- Fully Louvered Steel Cabinet: Features durable construction to add protection from yard hazards, weather corrosion
- Two-Stage Scroll Compressor: Features two speeds (high and low) of cooling and heating, providing more precise temperature control, lower humidity and greater efficiency when compared to single stage compressors
- Optimized 7 mm Coil Design: Allows for improved airflow, heat transfer and energy consumption
- Easily Accessible Control Box: Ease of installation and serviceability
- Cooling Efficiencies up to: 14.3 SEER2/10.4 EER2
- Heating Efficiencies up to: 7.5 HSPF2
- Nominal Sizes: 1 1/2 to 2.5 Ton [5.28 to 8.79 kW]
- Cooling Capacities: 17.1 to 55.5 kBTU [5.0 to 16.3 kW]